You know EcoRebates’ Rebate Finder tools deliver real savings to millions of shoppers every day. Our automated tools give top retailers and brands the ability to deliver valuable savings on a specific product in an exact location and do it at scale. Across our ecosystem, we deliver half a billion offer impressions a month, harnessing ‘big data’ to drive measurable sales conversion. 

But let’s put that scale in context. Here’s what our tools delivered for just one retailer in one weekend. On a non-holiday weekend in March 2018, we tracked 990,000 offer impressions for a retail client. Shoppers were presented with an average $630 savings per item, prompting a click-through rate (CTR) that drove measurable conversion lift on thousands of applicable products. And all of that occurred seamlessly through the EcoRebates’ tools embedded across the retailers’ digital channels. 

Combining more than 14,000 utility rebate programs with thousands of manufacturer and other 3rd party offers, EcoRebates’ tools empower shoppers to take advantage of complete product-specific savings opportunities anywhere in purchase process. 

With the spring selling season, contact us to make sure your shoppers are seeing millions of offer opportunities! You’ll be amazed how easy it is.